Monday, November 17, 2008

Really Shameless Begging

"Shameless begging" is probably an oxymoron. Is there any way to beg without shame? I think not. I'm attempting it anyway. I'm keeping this post on the shorter side today so that you can use the time you usually spend reading to to do something on my behalf instead. You'd do a little favor for Mary Poppins, wouldn't you? Especially if I promised that it would only take you 3 seconds? Please?

So the 2008 Weblog Awards are upon us and I've been nominated for Best New Blog. If you've already voted, thank you. If you tried to earlier, but were frustrated, read on. This time you can easily vote for me here. It's a simple 2-click process. And since all of my readers are brilliant, I know you can handle this. All you have to do is click on this and then click on the green plus sign under "becomingmarypoppins". Easy as pie. As you know, I'm not tech savvy. But I did manage to find out how to link to exact the spot where my blog is mentioned (I know, I know, someone with my lack of tech skills deserves an award just for that. See? There's one more reason to vote for me). So none of that scrolling/searching for my name business is necessary. Just give the page a second or two to load properly and it will go right to spot where you can vote for my blog. Also, you can only vote once. If that saddens you because you love voting for me as much as I do, you can technically vote once from each computer. In the time it took you to read that you could have voted for me. It's that easy. Gracias. Merci. Anks-thay.


Mrs Furious said...

Don't worry. The more nominations you have doesn't really matter. They'll take the nominations and then come read your blog and decide for themselves you make the top 10. At that point you need everyone to vote for you EVERY day... so save it up ;)

I only had one nomination last year and still got it.e

Kiki said...

I'll still vote now...and later, never fear!!! On my way there now!!!

Mrs Furious said...

And I didn't but that "e" there... so it isn't a secret code if that's what you were thinking. ;)

Mary Poppins said...

mrs f--thanks for the clarification on both the voting front and the extra "e."

kiki--never fear!!! you sound like a super hero. i love it.

Grannie Annie said...

I voted the difficult I get more credit? Tried to vote again but was informed [by the cyber police, I guess] that I had already voted. Being technically challenged, I didn't try to circumvent the process and vote again. Speaking of being T.C., I'm very proud of myself because today I figured out...on my to transfer all those photos I've been storing in my e-mail folder to Picasa...yea!!!!

Mary Poppins said...

baba/ann--bonus points for you. p.s. i don't even know how to do what you did with the pictures. so, good for you.